
Grow you good thing! The social media agfluencers getting behind #AgDayAU

“Grow you good thing!” is the catch cry for this year’s National Agriculture Day – or #AgDayAU – as Australians across the country get behind our farmers on Friday 17 November.

This year the National Farmers’ Federation has recruited five AgDay “ambassadors”, farmers who are taking over the Australian Farmers’ social media accounts.

Big Farmer Andy’s TikTok gets us all wanting to be dairy farmers.

These agfluencers are taking viewers behind the farmgate to show them what is going – from mustering sheep, to milking cows, seeing what crops are growing and even sharing insight into how they are dealing with drought and everything else the weather throws their way.

The take overs kicked off with Mel McGorman (AKA Lady Ba Ba) last week, where we took a glimpse into how Mel and her family manage the day-to-day running of the farm – everything from a 2-hour school run to mustering sheep and sunset farm fun.


Ive taken over Australian Farmers TIkTOK to showcase A day in the life of a sheep farmer!!! Plus horses and buggy rides!! Ag day is soon around the corner and we want to show you how Aussie farmers “grow you good thing” at their own farms!

♬ original sound – AustralianFarmers

Today and tomorrow, October 25-26, one of Australian dairy’s biggest names and social media influencer, Big Farmer Andy, takes over and has promised plenty of mischief. Then in November, we will have farm vlogger Mark Merrett, drone master Rural Riley and McLeod’s Daughter star Bridie Carter.

Mark Merrett’s YouTube videos have gained an audience across the globe interested in Aussie farming.

Follow along on Australian Farmers socials: Instagram, Facebook,and TikTok (we also hang out on Twitter/X for anyone who prefers to tweet.

National Agriculture Day is on the third Friday in November and is a day to celebrate all things agriculture. Want to know how to join in the fun? Head over here for our top ways to celebrate (and even win cash!).

Stacey Davidson

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