On this World Mental Health Day, AustralianFarmers is reminding everyone to check in on their farming family and friends!
For those working on the land factors such as isolation, drought, market price volatility, family responsibilities and the weight of fulfilling a family legacy are just some of the issues faced on a daily basis.
The statistics show that regional, rural and remote Australia is over represented when it comes to depression and suicide.
“This year with many farmers managing drought drought, mental health day is particularly poignant,” NFF President Fiona Simson said.
In a Guinness World Record breaking attempt, Mental Health Australia is today working on getting the most number of people ever wearing high visibility vests to come together in one location – Wagga Wagga NSW.
“It is aimed to again shed a positive light, and raise the visibility and awareness of mental health in a community, particularly amongst young men, tradies, farmers and their families,” Mental Health Australia’s CEO Frank Quinlan said.
National Farmers’ Federation President Fiona Simson and CEO Tony Mahar have made promises as part of World Mental Health Day focusing on the wellbeing of drought-affected farmers and rural communities.
I promise to ensure access to mental health services is at the forefront of support measures for our drought-affected farmers.
I promise to make mental health a priority for our team and to continue the NFF’s advocacy for improved mental health services for our rural communities.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
Through mental health support services such as Lifeline, Beyond Blue, Black Dog Institute, government funding supporting rural and regional communities as well as awareness initiatives such as The Naked Farmer and World Mental Health Day, the WHO’s definition of mental health can become a tangible reality for many Australians who need a helping hand.
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